• Johnny Jump-Up

    Johnny Jump-Up – Viola cornuta

  • Larkspur, Western – Delphinium occidentale

  • English Lavender

    Lavender, English – Lavandula angustifolia

  • A photo of Liatris Punctata blooms

    Liatris – Gayfeather, Dotted Blazing Star – Liatris punctata

  • Liatris

    Liatris – Gayfeather, Midwest – Liatris spicata

  • Purple Locoweed Wildflower Seeds

    Locoweed, Purple – Oxytropis lambertii

  • Lupine, Russell – Lupinus polyphyllus

  • A packet of Silver Lupine seeds.

    Lupine, Silver – Lupinus argenteus

  • Pasqueflower Wildflower Seeds

    Pasqueflower – Anemone patens

  • Narrowleaf Penstemon Wildflower Seeds

    Penstemon, Narrowleaf – Penstemon angustifolius

  • Prairie Penstemon Wildflower Seeds

    Penstemon, Prairie – Penstemon grandiflorus

  • Rocky Mountain Penstemon

    Penstemon, Rocky Mountain – Penstemon strictus

  • Rydberg's Penstemon Flower

    Penstemon, Rydberg’s – Penstemon rydbergii

  • Sidebells Penstemon Wildflower Seeds

    Penstemon, Sidebells – Penstemon secundiflorus

  • Whipple's Penstemon

    Penstemon, Whipple’s – Penstemon whippleanus