Hairy Vetch
A naturalized vetch from Europe that is a cool season annual or biennial legume with thin branched stems reaching up to 5 feet long and leaves covered in soft wooly fuzz and flower clusters that are violet and white to rose or white. It has a fairly shallow root system and prefers fertile loam soils, but is also productive on sandy or clay soils. Hairy Vetch is used as erosion control, green manure, cover crop, silage or hay and it can provide substantial amounts of nitrogen and dry matter to the soil. Hairy Vetch is great for spring weed suppression especially mixed with cereal grains such as Winter Rye, Hairy Vetch should be planted in the fall, either broadcasted or drilled. Use 30 lbs of seed per acre for broadcast. Inoculating seed with the proper correct Rhizobium strain of bacteria aids in nitrogen fixation. Seeding rate: 30-40 lbs./acre, 1 ¼ lbs/1000 sq. ft.
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