Five Spot
This native western annual species, native to California, will bring early spring color to your area. Five Spot grows rapidly and blooms profusely and can be grown pretty much anywhere in the United States. The five white petals of the daisy-like flowers each have a deep purple spot and rise above finely textured foliage. They prefer the cooler temperatures of spring and do well in shady areas. These will reseed easily if seed is allowed to fall to the ground. Grow where taller flowers and grasses will not hide the blooms.
Nemophila loosely translates as “woodland lover.” “Maculata” means spotted
Color: White with Purple Spots
Height: 4-6″
Type: Annual
Climate: Partial Shade-Average light. Moist water requirements. Prefers rich garden loam.
Germination time: 7-20 days.
Seeds/lb.: 75,000
Bloom time: Spring
Pkt. weight: 1 gm
Zones: 3-9
Pollinators: Very attractive to native bee species.
Seeding: Five-spot plants do not transplant well, so direct sowing of the seed is recommended. Early in the spring, sprinkle the seeds over the bare ground and then lightly rake to mix them with the soil and water regularly. Five-spot seeds germinate best in soil temperatures of 55-65 F. Five-spot will reseed naturally if left to flower and die back in the garden. Germination time is 7-20 days.
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