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Apple Windfall

What To Do With Your Fallen Apples by Sandy Swegel While I continue to have a good supply of huge zucchini from the four zucchini plants my neighbor is growing, the bounty and surplus this year is from apples.  Talk about a windfall.  Day after day there are dozens of apples that fall on the ground […]

Get Your Diseased and Gnarly Tomatoes OUT!

Saving Your Garden It’s August and hot, not the most fun time in the garden, but you’ve got to get your diseased and gnarly tomatoes out and EVICT all the diseased and dying stuff out of your garden.  You’re not doing for this year’s produce…you’re doing to save your garden next year. In Colorado with […]

Ignoring what “they” say.

Keeping An Open Mind by Sandy Swegel I visited a garden yesterday tended by my friend Lou.  Lou has gardened for other people for many years and the heavy shade garden I visited has lots of color despite being in shade and the fact that we’ve been in high temperature, drought conditions. As we walked around and […]