Entries by Mike Wade


Gardening Tips by Heather Stone Do you have a garden that gets more shade than sun, but you still want to grow vegetables? No problem! There are plenty of vegetables that will grow well with partial sun. We’ve put together a list for you of vegetables that perform well with 6 hours or less of […]

Anise Hyssop

Herb of the Year By Heather Stone Every year since 1995 the International Herb Association has named an Herb of the Year. This year’s selection is Anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum. This North American native wildflower has a lot to offer in the garden, the kitchen, the medicine chest and to the pollinators.   Anise hyssop […]

How To Make Easy and Delicious Sauerkraut

by Sam Doll Everybody is fermenting! From deliciously tart Kombucha to mouthwatering sourdough, home-fermented foods are the foodie trend du jour. Fermentation projects can be intimidating though. Many require multiple steps, special equipment, and difficult to find ingredients. Ready for a step up? Check out our guide to making your own Kombucha at home! So […]

Name that Seedling

Wildflower Seeds by Sandy Swegel Everything’s greening up in your garden and there are so many interesting baby plants.  Can you recognize what’s a friend or a foe?  Here are some clues to help you identify little seedlings that may be coming up in your garden right now!   I’m a weed, but I’m a […]


Musings on Responsibility by Rebecca Hansen Here at BBB Seed, we are fortunate for the opportunity to talk with so many interesting people and to hear their philosophies on life, living, and gardening.  As we have learned from our customers, there are many different but equally valid views on sustainable agriculture, organic versus non-organic gardening, uses […]

Decorating with Wildflowers

Wildflower Seeds Summer is upon us and the wildflowers you planted are in full bloom and you have enough to spare, maybe, for a bouquet for your table! Wildflowers are great candidates for cut flower arrangements.  Blooms can be freely cut without fear of ruining the manicured look of the typical flower bed and arrangements […]

Worms in my Kitchen?

Composting Indoors by Cheryl Soldati Clark What is Vermiculture? Vermiculture is more than just a funny word, it is the process of using worms to decompose food waste.  The worms turn the waste into nutrient-rich material that will ensure healthy & happy plant growth. It is nature’s way of recycling! This method is a sustainable […]